Tagesseminar um das Licht in jeder Zelle zum Strahlen zu bringen.In Pflanzen ist Licht gespeichert.
Maria Lichtmess ist ein alter Festtag.
Viele Zellen erinnern sich an Riten, Wissen und Weisheit.
Ein Tag zum heben alter Weisheit und Heilung.
Ein Aderlaß zur rechten Zeit ,erspart so manche Schwierigkeit.Info unter Therapieangebot
Ich versuche so viele Menschen als möglich zu motivieren ,vorbeugend !! aktiv zu werden. Vorbeugend etwas zu tun ist besser, als zu heilen.
Mit der Gründung meiner Ordination 1996 habe ich einen Raum geschaffen, in dem ich Menschen ganzheitlich behandle und durch Schulungen zu Ihrer eigenen Gesundheitskompetenz führe. Ganzheitlich bedeutet für mich, dass der energetisch-seelische Aspekt auf dem Weg zur Gesundung miteinbezogen wird. Naturheilkunde ( Ernährung,Reinigungsmethoden wie Aderlaß,Schröpfen,Hydrocolontherapie,Analyse der Haltung und Korrektur von Fehlhaltungen) sind die Basis,daß Gesundung eintreten kann. Die Verwendung von Heilpflanzen hilft dem Körper sich der Heilung zu öffnen.
Dr. Petra Zizenbacher
1 P.S.: Meine Bücher haben sich aus der täglichen Praxis heraus entwickelt.Kräuter helfen dem Menschen gesund zu bleiben.Vorbeugen ist besser als Krankheiten zu heilen. Vielleicht sind meine Werke für Sie interessant?!
Außerdem arbeite ich mit einem Verteiler von einem "unprofessionellen" Programmierer.
So funktioniert es:
Sie schicken mir eine mail mit der Bitte"in den Verteiler aufnehmen".
English version:
Hello. My name is Petra Zizenbacher. I am a qualified general practitioner and emergency doctor who sees herself as a naturopathic and holistic medical doctor. With my practice, I have fulfilled a dream: to connect the knowledge that I have acquired through my studies with naturopathy. As a holistic physician, I want to support my patients using herbal medicine and naturopathic methods.
I try to motivate as many people as possible to be proactive about preventative care because prevention is better than cure. Nature can heal acute diseases and mood disorders and it is much preferable to treat diseases before their onset. I want to help you to stay healthy before your body develops problems. I see myself as an intermediary between your body and you. Once you learn to listen to your body and act accordingly, you can become your own doctor. Anyone can learn how to recognise and use wild natural herbs that support the healing process. For that purpose, each year I organise several walks to introduce natural wild herbs and other trainings. You can familiarise yourself with natural healing and start experimenting with herbs. During the training, participants learn about the many ways in which they can use naturopathy to keep themselves healthy.
With the establishment in 1996 of my own practice, I have created a special, relaxing space in which I can treat people holistically and train them to manage their own health. For me, “holistic” means that the energetic-emotional aspect is taken into account on the road to health recovery. Naturopathy and the use of medicinal herbs help the body to open itself up for healing. The methods that I use, such as cupping, herbal treatments and fasting cures, have a long tradition in Europe. Mental injuries, too, have traditionally been taken into account in healing. Healing emotional and mental injuries and scars is vital for health to be regained. I offer therapy options tailored to your individual needs, as well as diverse training courses, all of which are aimed at giving you the tools that will enable you to live your life to the full. My invited guests from home and abroad bring additional healing experience and advice for my patients.
Reports written by my patients and shared with me provide excellent insights into my work and the effectiveness of naturopathy. You can read these by clicking the link for Patient Reports.
Thank you for visiting this site and I look forward to welcoming you personally at my practice or at one of my classes on natural healing.
For people who need a little time away from their hectic daily schedule, I offer a quiet resting room with a bath and a wood-burning stove. All therapies are individually designed in collaboration with you.
Health begins when we are ready to make changes in our lives.
Dr. Petra Zizenbacher
P.S. I have written a number of books setting out what I have learned from my daily practice and research. Herbs can help people to stay healthy because prevention is better than cure. Perhaps one of my publications might interest you?
Attention: there are cats frequenting the garden and guarding the house.